Project Description

Partners: Che ,En-Yu & Yang,Zi-Mu

Instructor: You,Chuang-Wen

Participate in 2020 Chuang Chuang AIOT Competition_Public Interest Welfare

The development of digital technology in the last decade has made mobile devices a necessity of life, but while providing various conveniences, they also bring health concerns. This generation of children has been exposed to unprecedented levels of radio waves, leading to an increased risk of central nervous system tumors, auditory neuroma, and cancer. Studies have also shown that the light from cell phones can affect sleep and poor posture can lead to poor bone development in children, not to mention the addiction to cell phones.

The problem of mobile phone addiction may hinder children's physical, psychological and social development.

Despite these health concerns, the percentage of cell phone ownership among children has steadily increased in the last decade [5]. Habits are formed at a young age, and attachment theory derived from Ainsworth's experiments on unfamiliar situations [7] shows that parents (significant others) have a critical influence on the development of children's minds [8]. During the developmental period, family atmosphere and parent-child interaction patterns directly influence children's personality and attitude toward society. A good family relationship that reduces scolding and at the same time achieves corrective behaviors can help children's physical and mental development. The interviews revealed that parents play an important role in the management of cell phones during the elementary and middle school years, and that the importance of early intervention in the development of cell phone habits must be addressed. Therefore, we designed an application to counsel children on the appropriate use of mobile phones by incorporating the influence of parents. Our application has the following features.

  • A virtual, game-like approach to engage children's interest and trigger autonomous management.
  • A parental reward system is designed to increase parent-child interaction and encourage parents to use rewards instead of punishment to influence their children. Avoid using overly tangible rewards (trade offs) that give children misconceptions about rewards and obligations, or allow commercialized models to interfere with the implementation of real functions.
  • Connect with peers, observe each other's progress, and use community links for soft coaching.

Conceptualization and hardware integration application planning

User Analysis

To solve the pain points that emerged from the interviews, we divided the app users (clients) into three categories: parents, children, and peers.

  1. Children-users: As the main target group, we need to solve the problem of prolonged cell phone usage, and the app includes reward and development information, record usage, and wish content.
  2. Parents-observers: To effectively establish communication with children, the app is divided into three modules: watching children's usage (usage and type of apps used), learning about children's wishes, and transmitting reward setting information to children.
  3. Peer-observer: has the same function as the child, by sharing the development information with each other, to achieve the effect of improving the motivation to improve.

Software Flow and Design

  Based on the connection of data and information from three users (clients), the software can be divided into: user information flow platform, reward exchange platform, wishing platform, and peer sharing platform.

  By exchanging user data and rewards, we can solve the problems that parents may be busy or lack of trust relationship with their children, or are unable to know the usage situation of their children quickly and accurately. By converting user data into object growth conversions and set points, and transferring the data to the reward exchange platform, children's self-control and motivation for improvement are enhanced through the use of positive reinforcers to promote positive behavior based on behavior modification and positive behavior support theories, and through the peer-to-peer sharing platform. The shared platform is supplemented by the child's valued peer relationships and incentives for healthy competition to enhance the improvement effect. If only parents can be the only ones to set, monitor, and reward the whole control, it will not fit our goal of establishing a good relationship between the two parties, so through the wishing platform, children can convey their problems and expectations to parents without fear.

  To this end, we designed a system relationship diagram to outline the general direction of the app design, so that we can clearly and quickly understand the flow of data and relationships.

1. User information traffic exchange

Children: Through backend data to detect children's cell phone usage at specific times, using specific apps. For example, Facebook can only be used for half an hour from 8:00 am to 8:00 pm. When the actual usage time is less than the amount of usage set by parents, the set points can be converted and updated simultaneously to encourage users to pay attention to the changes in their Internet usage and to cultivate the ability of self-management. The data will not only remind users according to the situation, but also transform into visualized data for parents to monitor.

Parents: Parents can set the usage settings on their child's cell phone and synchronize the update on the parent's device when the child's usage changes, and use visual charts and data to watch the child's usage time and orientation.

2. Reward Redemption Platform

Child: Click on the object you want to collect points (provided by parents) and collect points for rewards according to the usage.

Parents: Parents select a reward category based on their child's usage and add it to their child's reward redemption list. You can change the time setting and rewards according to the usage and improvement situation, and give your child a suitable pace and progressive way to improve the intensity in stages.

3. Wishing Platform

Build relationships between children and parents. Parents can immediately see their children's needs and make various improvements to establish good communication and make their children keep improving and surpassing themselves, so that children can take the initiative to set goals.

4. Peer Sharing Platform

Peers will synchronize the usage records. Using platform sharing technology, we have established groups and open platforms where children can share information on usage (breeding status) with their peers.

  We designed the functions with the main target group - children as the starting point, and unified them into a functional design diagram for the children's app, which is divided into seven areas to explain the main functions and design motives.

System Relationship Diagram