Project Description

Cooperative Experimental cross-domain performance with Polish students 4 sections of theater performances X interactive installations

Under the epidemic situation, how can human beings face a new type of society? Borders are sealed and people's freedoms are forced to be limited indefinitely. A virus-induced isolation movement was echoed around the world in a grand, frantic, but silent manner.

Through telepresence, people began to dispense with physical contact. While facing the screen, they used the space of the Internet to communicate between virtual and real. Different worlds thus overlap, like two faces looking at each other.

This theater aims to experiment the interaction between different media (Media) and interface (Surface). A group of art school students from Poland and Taiwan, each with their own agenda, work together. In this sympathetic proposition that is sweeping the world, they explore the intersection of reality and virtual illusion, the spatial separation between the physical realm and the internet, and the multi-layered interpersonal network of digitization between people. A scene that is sometimes noisy, sometimes silent, roaring and muttering, the quiet flow of light and shadow in space, and the invisible interplay of noise coverage. In this era of isolation, the five transnational debates have been consolidated into a consensus.

National Tsing Hua University Team

Yixuan Liu, Ruiwei Huang, Huiting Hong, Yilin Weng, Yu-Shuo Chen, Zhi-Chi Chen, Yu-Jing Deng, Xin-Yu Huang, Ji-Hong Yang, Zimu Lin, Zi-Yan Cheng, Zi-Yun

Poland's Art Nouveau team

Lena Kłosińska,Jakub Heland, Magdalena Pacek, Natalia Cenarska, Wiktoria Koterska, Iza Fedorowicz, Marta Florczak, Emilia Żmuda, Natalia Miśkowiec, Cecylia Wróbel, Karol Modrzejewski

Project Details


Project Date:

June 23, 2020