Project Description

Team: JinYi Yu, Thomas Giberson, Clayton Izuka

We are inspired by the New York Times Square and want users to see tons of billboards playing in front of their eyes. So we tried to edit the 360 video, and we finally used “Blender” to build our own immersive world view. Although the song is played with Chinese instruments, Because it is originally from the Japanese singer, Yonezu Kenshi, we used many Japanese style billboards and posters related to this singer and song, Lemon, as elements, using led-like rendering and adding many cube and sphere with a more sci-fi style rendering as a symbol of the digital city. In addition, we added the names of the instruments to the video so that the audience can know more clearly what the interactive interface corresponds to.

Through minimalism and modern style, our UI design can be clearly seen in the dark environment. The user can press the button on the handle to make the panel pop up for interaction, and press it again to turn it off. This design makes it easier to find and control the UI window when exploring the world of Surroundings. In the development part, we have completed a simple mixer, users can use solo, mute, volume slider and other functions to experience this concert

Project Details

Project Date:

December 15, 2022