
Created and directed by Sasha Gusikhin
Composed by Liam Charron and Cameron Wilson
Choreographed by Madison Rogers
Visual Designed by Sin-Yu Deng
Science Advising by Lucas Tittle

An interdisciplinary performance presented by NeuroArts Productions.  A new four-movement work that explores the the mental health care system, the science of depression, and the cerebral inner landscapes. It does so through a distinctive fusion of visual art, dance, and live jazz compositions, organized into a new four-movement work.

The project raises critical questions about the current one-size-fits-all approach to mental health care, advocating for a model that more closely aligns with an individual’s unique neurological makeup, personal experiences, and treatment needs. It aims to leverage the arts as a potent tool to confront and dismantle stigma surrounding mental illness, challenging the notion that such conditions are merely “all in your head.”

Envision sonic landscapes that echo neural communication, with brain scans serving as graphic scores for real-time musical improvisation. Imagine dance sequences reflecting the iterative, often uncertain journey of finding effective treatment, among other innovative artistic explorations. This work seeks to open new pathways for understanding and addressing mental health through an integrated approach that combines science, art, and personal experience.